The Ekphatthanna Microfinance Institution (Member of APRACA) received “Sustainable Social Enterprise Excellent Award” for its pioneer offering financial services with Financial, and Insurance Education (FIE) enabling its clients to grow sustainably their household and business assets and achieve their family goals and achieved the following:- EMI implement Child financial Education since 2021 and now we

The Ekphatthanna Microfinance Institution (Member of APRACA) received “Sustainable Social Enterprise Excellent Award” for its pioneer offering financial services with Financial, and Insurance Education (FIE) enabling its clients to grow sustainably their household and business assets and achieve their family goals and achieved the following:-
- EMI implement Child financial Education since 2021 and now we reached more than 49,000 Kids partnership with Aflatoun International.
- EMI is the first MFI offering Microinsurance to low-income people by partnership with Allianz. EMI also offering Financial Education to the clients on various topics to help them enhance their financial skills.

EMI also adopted the Social goals, which are part of its mission:-
- Goal 1: EMI is offering excellent financial services enabling clients to grow sustainably their household and business assets and achieve their family goals.
- Goal 2: EMI is offering excellent financial education services enabling clients to manage their money wisely in meeting their household budget needs and growing their businesses.
- Goal 3: EMI is an equal opportunity employer which invests in the continuous education of its employees.
- Goal 4: EMI seeks long-term sustainability through financial viability while creating client value.
For further details please chick the below links
- picture for activities: