We are glad to share the published interview of Dr. Prasun Kumar Das, APRACA Secretary General with ‘Rural 21’ The conversation was on the risk aversity, green financing and the need for alternative collaterals to boost investments in agricultural and rural sector of the economy in developing nations (https://www.rural21.com/fileadmin/downloads/2022/en-04/rural2022_04-S27-29.pdf). You may also download

We are glad to share the published interview of Dr. Prasun Kumar Das, APRACA Secretary General with ‘Rural 21’
The conversation was on the risk aversity, green financing and the need for alternative collaterals to boost investments in agricultural and rural sector of the economy in developing nations (https://www.rural21.com/fileadmin/downloads/2022/en-04/rural2022_04-S27-29.pdf).
You may also download the full volume of the Journal from the link https://www.rural21.com/fileadmin/downloads/2022/en-04/Rural21_4_2022.pdf