APRACA Newsbits, January-February 2010 Vientiane, Lao PDR- The IFAD-supported APRACA FinPower Programme conducted the FinPower Microfinance Development Forum: Policies and Savings Mobilizations at the Agricultural Promotion Bank (APB) Headquarters in Vientiane on February 2. The forum was opened by Mr. Bounvong Sommalavong, Managing Director of APB. Ms. Keasorn Manivong, Chief of Microfinance Institution Division of
APRACA Newsbits, January-February 2010
Vientiane, Lao PDR- The IFAD-supported APRACA FinPower Programme conducted the FinPower Microfinance Development Forum: Policies and Savings Mobilizations at the Agricultural Promotion Bank (APB) Headquarters in Vientiane on February 2. The forum was opened by Mr. Bounvong Sommalavong, Managing Director of APB. Ms. Keasorn Manivong, Chief of Microfinance Institution Division of the Bank of Lao presented a paper on microfinance policy environment and regulatory framework. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas consultant Eduardo Jimenez llikewise shared the Philippine microfinance experience. This was followed by a presentation on Krung Thai Bank’s savings mobilization strategy by Ms. Nisanard Yothasmut, KTB Vice-President. Subsequently, the two international experts provided a three-day FinPower technical support to both Bank of Lao PDR and APB.
Lucknow, India- APRACA CENTRAB conducted a NABARD National Bank Staff College-hosted field visit on linkage banking and cluster approach in Lucknow, India on February 1-5. Six FinPower participants, coming from four IFAD projects in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Nepal, joined the field visit, together with 4 participants from the Philippines.
Nong Khai and Udon, Thailand- The IFAD-supported FinPower Programme conducted a three-day observation-tour of BAAC rural financial innovations for officers of Bank of Lao PDR (BoL), Agricultural Promotion Bank, Microfinance Center and other rural finance institutions in Nong Khai and Udon, Thailand on February 4-6. The team was led by Mr. Phanthaboun Sayaphet, BoL Deputy Director General, Mr. Bouangeunh Phongsavath, APB Deputy Director and APB Head International Cooperation Bounsy Thanousing. The observation-tour included dialogue with BAAC Director Director Kriengsak and his team and visit to a homestay programme site.
Forthcoming APRACA Events
Kathmandu, Nepal, March 2-5- APRACA FinPower will hold the Nepal Rastra Bank-hosted FinPower GreenFinance Forum: Integrating Energy and Environment Components into Rural Financing Schemes in Kathmandu. The forum brings together Asian financial institutions and international development agencies to share their experiences on the topic.
Ulaan-Baatar, Mongolia-March 16-19 The IFAD-APRACA FinPower Program will convene the XACBank-hosted FinPower National Microfinance Development Forum in this city. A NABARD expert is invited to share experiences of India in microfinance development. This is followed by a technical support to the Bank of Mongolia, XACBank and other key microfinance stakeholders.
Pathum Thani and Bangkok, Thailand- March 22- 30- APRACA joins the Thai Rice Foundation and BAAC in convening the first ever ASEAN Rice Youth Camp at the Pathum Thani Rice Research Center in Thailand. The camp intends to set the goal of ensuring rice food security by developing a new generation of aspiring, inspired and progressive rice farm youths, hereinafter referred to as Gen-A rice farm managers, to help ensure a rice-rich Asia and a rice food-secured world. Some 30 children, aged 16- 20, of farmers shall participate in the forum.
Bangkok, Thailand-March 25- 30- Selected farmers from several Asian countries will hold a Farmer-to-Farmer dialogue, together with local Thai farmers to address the issues of food security and safety and the role of farmers in response to these issues.
Tashkent, Uzbekistan-May 5-6 APRACA shall convene the 17th APRACA General Assembly and 57th EXCOM meetings, in this city. Mr. Abdurakhmant Boymutarov, Chairman of the Open Joint Stock Commercial Agrobank of Uzbekistan and concurrent APRACA Vice-Chairman, shall host the meeting. Field visits are slated on May 7-9. IFAD-APRACA FinPower Program FinPower CEO Policy Forum on Risk Management shall interface with the twin meetings.
Bangkok, Thailand-May 5- APRACA is set to hold the Formal Launching of the APRACA Centers of Excellence (ACEs) in this city on March 29. Six APRACA member institutions: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, Bank Indonesia, Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Agricultural Credit Policy Council, Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives, each focusing on a specific rural finance topic, are expected to showcase their publications and various products during the launching.
Marrakech, Morocco, October 27- 30- Five agricultural credit associations- AFRACA, ALIDE, CICA, NENARACA and APRACA shall convene their 3rd World Congress (WC) on Rural and Agricultural Finance in this city. The first two congresses were held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (2005) hosted by CICA and in Bangkok, Thailand (2007) hosted by APRACA/BAAC, respectively. This forthcoming 3WC shall be hosted by NENARACA and the Credit Agricole du Maroc.
Paris, France, November 2-5- APRACA will hold the 58th meeting of the APRACA Executive Committee in Paris, immediately after the 3rd World Congress. The event includes visits to international development partners.
Forthcoming APRACA-CENTRAB Training Activities
(for details and confirmation of dates, please contact APRACA-CENTRAB at [email protected]
Bandung and Jakarta, Indonesia, Mar 8 – 12 : Study Visit on Financing Small and Medium Enterprises
Manila and Bohol Province, Philippines, Mar 15 – 20 : Study Visit on Microfinance: Challenges, Risks and Expectations
Lincoln University, New Zealand, Mar 29 – Apr 2 : Study Visit: A Closer Look into New Zealand’s Rural Economy and Banking System
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Apr 5 – 16 : International Trainer’s Training Program
Jakarta, Indonesia, Apr 12 – 16 : Study Visit on Microfinance
Tokyo, Japan, Apr 19 – 23 : Study Visit on Japan Cooperative System
Pune, India, Apr 26 – 30 : Study Visit on Microfinance Programs in India,
Manila and Cebu, Philippines, Apr 27 – May 4 : Study Visit on Philippine SME Development Activities: A Key to Successful Entrepreneurship
Tokyo, Japan, May 3 – 9: Study Visit on Microfinance, the Japanese Way
Jakarta, Indonesia, May 4 – 12 : International Training Course on Islamic Banking
Pune, India, May 10 – 14 : Study Visit on Strengthening & Restructuring of Rural Financial Institutions
Manila and Boracay, Philippines, May 17 – 23 : Study Visit on Women Empowerment: The Path to Gender Justice
NABARD, India, Jun 14 – 18 : Trainers Training Programme on Microfinance
Jakarta, Indonesia, Jun 21 – 25 : Study Visit on Community Empowerment Programs for Poverty Alleviation
Manila and Davao, Philippines, Jun 28 – Jul 4 : Study Visit on: Modalities to Uplift: Deprived Majority in Focus
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Jul 5-15 : Training Course on Effective Loan Management
Manila and Palawan, Philippines, Jul 19-25 : Study Visit Executives on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Jul 26 – 30 : International Training Course on Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation
Pune, India, Aug 2 – 6 : Study Visit on Financing Agri-Business and Agro- Processing
Manila and Cagayan de Oro, Philippines, Aug 16 – 21 : Study Visit on Paradigm Shift on People Management
Tokyo, Japan, Aug 23 – 27 : Study Visit on Japan Cooperative System
NABARD, India, Sept 6 – 8 : Study Visit on Financial Inclusion
Lincoln University/New Zealand, Sept 13 – 17 : Study Visit: A Closer Look into New Zealand’s Rural Economy and Banking System
Manila , Philippines, Sept 20 – 26 : Study Visit on Microfinance: Challenges, Risks and Expectations
Seoul, Korea, Oct 4 – 8: Study Visit P on Cooperative Movement in Korea
Jakarta, Indonesia, Oct 12 – 20 : International Training Course on MSE Development, Management and Financing
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Oct 18 – 29 : Top Leadership Management
Manila, Philippines, Oct 25 – 31 : Study Visit on People Management for Non-HR Managers
Bali, Indonesia, Nov 15 – 19 : Study Visit on Village Banking
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Nov 15 – 26 : Training Course on Managing Problem Loans
Manila, Philippines, Nov 22 – 28 : Study Visit on Socially Responsive Organizations
Manila and Baguio City, Philippines, Dec 8 – 14 : Study Visit on Regulation and Operations of Cooperative Banks